Sunday, 17 April 2011

Open Survey N°1 : 12 questions to explore the true value of IT Best Practices

Welcome to the report N°3 of "Open Survey N°1 : 12 questions to explore the true value of Best Practices"

The collaborative survey was launched on April 15. 2011.

Under a true Open Innovation mindset, the resulting statistics are "shared".
First of all, they are updated in real time and communicated to the respondent as soon as he fills out the questionnaire.
Then they are regularly published  to ensure that respondents and non respondents have equal access to this community work.
Finally, the graphical output be used under a Creative Commons license Attribution Non Derivative 2.0 France.

On April 28. the threshold of 120 complete responses was reached, triggering report N°3.
    The report N°4 will be published as soon as the threshold of 160 complete responses is reached.

      Open Survey : exploring the true value of Best Practices

      You are invited to share your experience and contribute to the survey : link to survey.

      Survey principles : The Archilogy Institute, an open creative knowledge community.
      Survey script : Tru Dô-Khac, France.
      Look and feel template of the questions : proposed by Zoomerang from Market Tools Inc. ©
      Realized by Tru Dô-Khac, France.
      Powered by the Business Process as a Service "Zoomerang" from Market Tools Inc
      Produced by Dô-Khac Decision SARL, France © 2011 all rights reserved.

      [1]" Share, Remix, Reuse, - Legally" is Creative Commons motto used under the licence Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.

      Contrat Creative Commons
      "Exploring the true value of IT Best Practices - On going results" de Tru Dô-Khac est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité - Pas de Modification 2.0 France.